We all just want to enjoy beautiful summer nights, but then… OUCH! A pesky little mosquito bites you.

There are various methods that pest control companies , like The Bug Man, can do to mosquito-proof your yard. You can also use bug sprays to create a chemical barrier around yourself. But if you’re out and about and forgot the bug spray, I have some helpful tips and tricks to ease the mosquito bite itch.

As soon as you get home clean the bug bites with soap and water. This will prevent infection and get the area cleansed for your next steps.

Next, ice the bites for a couple minutes to reduce inflammation.

Once the bites are nice and iced put a generous amount of over-the-counter anti-itch cream on each of the bites.

Last step is to try your hardest not to itch it! This is going to be the most difficult step, but the most crucial in the healing process. When you itch a mosquito bite it only increases the inflammation because you are agitating the venom. So if you itch it, it will only make you more itchy. If the itching gets to be too much you can try taking antihistamine allergy medicine to reduce the histamine response.

I hope these steps help you after your next outdoor adventure!


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