
As the warm weather approaches in Iowa, families look forward to spending time outdoors, enjoying nature and the great outdoors. However, with the summer comes the increased presence of ticks, tiny parasites that can threaten humans and pets. To ensure a safe and enjoyable summer, it’s essential to be aware of the risks and take preventive measures. That’s where “The Bug Man” comes in – your trusted family-owned local pest control business, providing expert services to keep your home and family safe. Contact “The Bug Guy, Dan the Bug Man” at 515-285-6900 for all your pest control needs.

Understanding Ticks:

Ticks are tiny, blood-sucking parasites that thrive in wooded areas, tall grasses, and shrubs. They are prevalent in Iowa during the summer months and can transmit various diseases, including Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Ticks are mainly active during the warmest parts of the day and attach themselves to humans and animals, feeding on their blood.


The Dangers of Ticks:

Ticks can be carriers of dangerous diseases that can have severe consequences for your health. Lyme disease, in particular, is a significant concern, as it can cause various symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, headaches, and joint pain. Early detection and proper removal of ticks are essential to prevent the transmission of these diseases.

Preventing Tick Bites:

Preventing tick bites is crucial for protecting yourself and your loved ones during the summer. 

Here are some tips to reduce the risk of encountering ticks:

  1. Wear Protective Clothing: When venturing into wooded areas or tall grass, wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and closed-toe shoes to minimize exposed skin.
  2. Use Insect Repellent: Apply EPA-approved insect repellents with DEET or picaridin on exposed skin and clothing to repel ticks.
  3. Stay on Trails: Stick to marked trails and avoid walking through tall grass or brushy areas where ticks are more likely to be present.
  4. Check for Ticks: After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check yourself, your children, and your pets for ticks. Pay close attention to hidden areas like underarms, behind the knees, and the scalp.
  5. Treat Pets: Use veterinarian-approved tick prevention products on your pets to protect them from ticks.

The Bug Man’s Tick Control Services:

As Iowa’s leading family-owned pest control business, “The Bug Man” understands the importance of keeping your family safe from ticks. Our professional team is highly trained in tick control and uses practical, eco-friendly methods to eliminate ticks from your property.

We offer comprehensive tick control services, including targeted treatments for tick-infested areas and prevention measures to minimize future tick populations. Our experienced technicians will inspect your property to identify potential tick hotspots and develop a personalized plan tailored to your needs.



Enjoying the beautiful Iowa summer doesn’t have to come with the worry of tick infestations. Stay safe and protected by taking preventive measures and relying on the expertise of “The Bug Man.” With our expert tick control services, you can rest assured that your family and pets are safe. Contact “The Bug Guy, Dan the Bug Man,” at 515-285-6900 to schedule an appointment and experience top-notch pest control services that keep your home tick-free. Stay tick-aware and enjoy a worry-free summer!

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